Following the walk for the people of Ukraine all who walked and donated have up to now (27th April) have raised over £3000.00. What a magnificent achievement. Thank you so very much on behalf of the Ukrainian people. The money will be going to our London headquarters and via the Moravian Churches, Young People's Missionary Association (YPMA) it will be delivered in its entirety to the Disaster Emergency Committee (DEC). You are helping over 18 million people that are being affected by the escalation of the conflict.
The Moravian Church at Lower Wyke has taken action to help people in need both at home and abroad. This we do by volunteering for organisations like the Wyke FoodBank and we send on average more than £1500 per year via YPMA, who fund projects in many countries in the world. We believe in prayer and have regular prayer meetings to ask Jesus Christ to intervene and bring His peace into this broken world.
We are hoping that a service of thanksgiving will take place shortly to thank everyone who supported the Ukraine appeal and it would be wonderful if you could attend and take part.
Thank you for your support and a very big thank you to Evie who raised £100 doing the walk for the Ukrainian people.
A big thank you to Evie who raised £100
doing the walk for the Ukrainian people.